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How Does Social Causation Theory Explain The Main Causes Of Poverty?

How Does Social Causation Theory Explain The Main Causes Of Poverty?

How Does Social Causation Theory Explain The Main Causes Of Poverty How Does Social Causation Theory Explain The Main Causes Of Poverty?

How-Does-Social-Causation-Theory-Explain-The-Main-Causes-Of-Poverty? The triggers of poverty can be controlled by various factors. Poverty is the most basic duduk perkara that is of special concern to the government on a daily basis. Not only in Third country, many are struggling with the problems of this poor country.

According to the dictionary poverty is a condition where a person who has no wealth, is completely deprived, or has a very low income. Poverty eradication is still a difficult masalah to overcome in Indonesia and in several other countries.

Poverty Causes

However, there are also some developed countries that are gradually finding a way out of this masalah. What's more, the persoalan of poverty such as the availability of primary needs as the most important factor that can bring down a government.

Understanding Poverty

How Does Social Causation Theory Explain The Main Causes Of Poverty How Does Social Causation Theory Explain The Main Causes Of Poverty?

In general, understanding is an understanding of a situation when a student or line is unable to meet basic needs such as proper needs, clothing, housing, teaching and health.

This is generally determined by the government through poverty writing which is determined by the economy. Because the level of welfare of citizens is determined by government economic regulations. So poverty can also be caused by the failure of the economic changes expected by the government.

Every country must have members who are below the poverty line. Of course, in every country this problem has become a global dilema.

Poverty can be the key as a lack of welfare and deprivation of the freedom to achieve something in the life of a human being.

Explanation of Poverty According to Some Experts

How Does Social Causation Theory Explain The Main Causes Of Poverty How Does Social Causation Theory Explain The Main Causes Of Poverty?

1. Hall and Midgley

According to Hall and Midgley, poverty is a state of material and social deprivation that results in a person living below an appropriate standard of living, or a situation in which a person experiences relative deprivation compared to other individuals in society.

2. Reitsma and Kleinpenning

Understanding understanding according to Reitsma and Kleinpenning is a personal inability to fulfill one's needs, whether they have material or non-material properties.

3. Friedman

According to Friedman, the understanding of poverty is a mismatch of opportunities to formulate social power in the form of assets, financial resources, social and political organizations, social networks, goods or services, and skills, and information.

4. Suparlan

According to Suparlan, the understanding of poverty is a low standard of living due to material shortages in some or groups of people when compared to the standard of living that runs in the surrounding community.

5. Faturachman and Marcelinus Molo

According to Faturachman and Marcelinus Molo, an understanding of the inability of one or some people (stairs) to fulfill basic needs.

Causes of Poverty

How Does Social Causation Theory Explain The Main Causes Of Poverty How Does Social Causation Theory Explain The Main Causes Of Poverty?

1. Low Education Level

As previously mentioned, teaching is a basic need that everyone needs to meet. If a person cannot fulfill his basic needs, it can be concluded that it triggers poverty.

In this framework, the trigger for poverty is the primary need which is called teaching. The low level of teaching causes a person to tend to lack the ideal skills, discourse, and knowledge for his life.

And for the world of work or the business world, teaching finds capital to develop in obtaining prosperity later. Because of that, there are many movements and triggers for poverty because of this low level of teaching.

2. Lack of Jobs

The trigger for poverty which is then found to be limited employment opportunities. With limited employment opportunities, residents cannot fulfill their needs, so one has to work to get a salary which will later be used to fulfill his basic needs.

Limited employment opportunities will carry the risk of triggering poverty for residents. It could be someone in a new job field, but because the opportunities will be small for poor people with limited skills or capital.

The amount in a country can also be the basis of poverty in a country. The greater the number of movements because it also triggers poverty in the country. This could also be explained by the instability of the economy and the lack of clarity about the country's political and regulatory directions.

3. Lazy to Work

The 3rd trigger of poverty is finding lazy work. This often infects someone who does not want to progress and assumes that poverty is destiny.

Some of these things make a person dispassionate and indifferent to, and help them to work and make their well-being disappear.

4. High Necessity Price

The high price of necessities is a trigger for further poverty that often occurs. This is an argument why poor people are always lacking or even inadequate to meet their daily needs. In this case, it must be reached if the majority of poor families will spend 60-80% of their income to meet food needs.

Until the food prices soar, they have to cut spending for other purposes and direct food consumption. Thus, the government must set prices for some basic goods so that all citizens can access them easily.

Poverty Factors

How Does Social Causation Theory Explain The Main Causes Of Poverty How Does Social Causation Theory Explain The Main Causes Of Poverty?

5. Total Family Living Burden

This is quite significant. When a person has a large part of the family to support, the weight of his life must increase as well.

Thus it is necessary to increase his income according to how many members he needs to support.

6. Lack of Resources (Natural or Capital)

One resident will usually be plagued by poverty, including because of limited natural resources or capital resources. This arises because the natural surroundings are not profitable.

When natural resources are poor or cannot enjoy the outdoors, that is one of the triggers for poverty. Sometimes it happens not because of the will of each person.

It could be because of a natural disaster that hit one area. Natural disasters will cause all the forces of nature, infrastructure or the psychological state of some people affected by nature to damage.

sometimes it can be handled and sometimes nothing even can do. To deal with that damage usually takes a really long time. In addition, from natural disasters, many people lost their possessions, until they fell into poverty before that.

In addition, capital constraints restrain a change. What's more for people who have a low level of teaching, not only material capital, that person will have limited knowledge or skills. This, of course, is the trigger for the missile trigger which is quite serious.

7. Poor Health Quality

The next trigger of poverty is the poor health quality of a country. Insufficient quality of health is one of the basic warning triggers. Difficult and expensive access to health services is a particular problem for low-income residents.

People with low incomes do not have enough money to pay for doctor's services or buy medicine when they are sick. They will also continue to be sick and have difficulty doing work. As a result, income will decrease until daily needs cannot be met properly.

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